- Equivalent
Versions of Total Flow Analysis,
S. Plassart, J.-Y. Le Boudec. -
A Pseudo-Linear Time Algorithm for the Optimal Discrete Speed
Minimizing Energy Consumption,
B. Gaujal, A. Girault, S. Plassart, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Springer Verlag, 2021, doi = 10.1007/s10626-020-00327-9. -
Discrete and Continuous Optimal Control for Energy Minimization in
Real-Time Systems,
B. Gaujal, A. Girault, S. Plassart, EBCCSP 2020, Sep. 2020, Krakow, Poland. -
Dynamic Speed Scaling Minimizing Expected Energy Consumption for
Real-Time Tasks,
B. Gaujal, A. Girault, S. Plassart, Journal of Scheduling, Springer Verlag, 2020, doi = 10.1007/s10951-020-00660-9. -
Feasibility of on-line speed policies in real-time
B. Gaujal, A. Girault, S. Plassart, Real-Time Systems, Springer Verlag, 2020, doi = 10.1007/s11241- 020-09347-y. - Exploiting
Job Variability to Minimize Energy Consumption under Real-Time
B. Gaujal, A. Girault, S. Plassart, tech. rep., Inria, 2019. Source code - April 2024, Dagstuhl seminar 24141 on network calculus, Dagstuhl, Germany
Equivalent version of total flow analysis and SAIHU tool - January 2024, GDR RSD days, Strasbourg, France:
Online optimization in dynamic real-time systems. - September
WoNeCa2022, EPFL, Lausanne,
Equivalent versions of Total Flow Analysis. - September
2020, EBCCSP2020, Krakow,
Discrete and Continuous Optimal Control for Energy Minimization in Real-Time Systems. - June 2020, PhD Defense, UGA, Grenoble, France:
Optimisation d’énergie en-ligne pour les systèmes temps-réels. - Mai 2020, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland:
Saving Energy by Tuning Processor Speed in Real Time Systems. - November 2019, MSR2019, Angers, France:
Choix de Vitesses pour la Minimisation de la Consommation d’Energie Hors-Ligne en O(n). - August 2017, Real-Time Summer School Poster,
ETR’17, Paris, France:
Sélection en ligne de la vitesse minimisant l’énergie dans les systèmes temps-réels.
About me
I am currently an Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) in computer science at University Savoie Mont-Blanc in the Listic laboratory. Before that, I was Post-doc researcher at EPFL in LCA2 laboratory of Professor Jean-Yves Le Boudec. My research interests are in network calculus for Time-Sensitive Network (TSN), optimization, Markov decision process, learning, energy, and real-time systems. I hold an engineer's degree (equiv. Master of Science in Engineering) from Grenoble-INP ENSIMAG and a PhD from Grenoble Alpes University entitled “online energy optimization on real-time system”. This Phd was done in POLARIS and SPADES teams at LIG and at Inria Grenoble under the supervision of Bruno Gaujal and Alain Girault. This thesis was included in the CASERM project.
Main publications
Selected recent talks
Université Savoie Mont Blanc,
Laboratoire LISTIC, Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
5 chemin de bellevue, Annecy-le-Vieux
74 940 Annecy, France
Université Savoie Mont Blanc,
Laboratoire LISTIC, Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
5 chemin de bellevue, Annecy-le-Vieux
74 940 Annecy, France